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6 Things Your Dentist Will Never Put in Their Mouth

September 19, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — vistadental @ 2:37 pm
 A woman biting her fingernails.

When you’re looking for advice about what kind of air conditioning unit to install in your house, it makes sense to ask an HVAC repairman. If you’d like to know the best type of oven cooks most evenly, ask a chef. But if you’re looking for the top things to avoid putting in your mouth, you should definitely check with a dentist. After all, your dentist has not only seen it all, but they’ve got the educational credentials to back it up, too.  So, before you put your teeth and gums in danger, check out this list of top six items your dentist will never put in their mouth, and you shouldn’t put in yours either!


Covering Dental Damage: Is Veneers or Bonding Best?

August 14, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — vistadental @ 9:19 pm
up-close image of shade guide and person’s smile

There are many unique advantages to choosing veneers or dental bonding to cover your tooth damage or imperfections. Whether it is chipped, cracked, or stained teeth, or even small gaps or minor misalignment, these two forms of cosmetic dentistry can have a dramatically positive impact on your aesthetics and oral health. But which one is the right option for your current needs? Read on to discover the benefits of each and how to know which will give you desirable results.


Pretty or Painful: Do Cosmetic Dentistry Treatments Hurt?

July 12, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — vistadental @ 7:54 pm
Patient covering their mouth afraid of cosmetic dentistry

Cosmetic dentistry can do wonders for your smile, but if you have dental anxiety, chances are your focus is elsewhere. The one question that might be nagging at you is: does it hurt? It’s a common concern, but you’ll be glad to know that the truth is often far less scary than the scenarios your brain makes up. Read on to dive into what you can expect when it comes to pain and discomfort in cosmetic dentistry.


4 Warning Signs You Could Be Dehydrated

June 20, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — vistadental @ 7:30 pm
A woman holding a glass of water.

With summer here and record temperatures already being reported around the world, it’s never been more important to stay hydrated. Water is essential in helping to keep your body functioning and preventing dangerous conditions like dehydration and heat stroke. But did you know that water also benefits your oral health?

Don’t get caught off guard this summer. Protect your teeth and your health by watching for these warning signs that your body might be sending you if it needs some hydration help!


Is It All Right to Fly After a Tooth Extraction?

May 3, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — vistadental @ 2:32 pm
patient undergoing tooth extraction

Planning a trip, whether for business or leisure, often brings up various health concerns, especially if you’ve recently undergone a medical procedure. One common worry for many travelers is how a recent tooth extraction might affect their upcoming flight. If you’ve recently had a tooth pulled or are planning to do so, you might be curious about how this could impact your travel experience. Keep reading to learn about the potential challenges of flying after a tooth extraction, along with practical tips to help you prepare and ensure a smooth journey.


Courting with Clarity: What to Know When Dating with SureSmile

February 14, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — vistadental @ 12:48 pm
a couple smiling and laughing during a date

Are you thrilled about jumping into the dating scene to meet someone special? While this can be incredibly exciting, you might have some concerns about how your orthodontic treatment could affect your love life. Keep reading to learn several tips to keep in mind while dating with SureSmile clear aligners.


Can I Get SureSmile If I Grind My Teeth?

January 19, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — vistadental @ 11:24 am
A woman placing SureSmile aligners on her teeth

If you have crooked teeth, perhaps you’ve heard of clear aligners like SureSmile. Wearing these plastic trays will slowly straighten your grin! Still, you may wonder: “Can I Get SureSmile if I grind my teeth?” It’s easy to think your grinding habit would disqualify you from treatment. In reality, the SureSmile process can work for chronic grinders. It’d even help you break the bad oral habit! For more details, here’s a primer on this matter from your Sparks dentist.


Subtle but Stubborn: How Can I Easily Remove My Clear Aligners?

December 13, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — vistadental @ 11:52 pm
Woman thinks something over

Many people want to have straighter, prettier, healthier smiles but don’t want to deal with conspicuous metal braces or the dietary restrictions they require. Thankfully, SureSmile clear aligners can bring a smile into a better alignment while being virtually invisible and completely removable, allowing the patient to eat whatever they want. However, some people may find it difficult to remove them. Here are a few tips for safely and easily removing your aligners.


Do Your Veneers Need to Be Replaced?

November 10, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — vistadental @ 8:55 pm
Woman thinks about something

Dental veneers can be a fantastic way to reshape smiles for patients with damaged, stained, or misshapen teeth. You’ve probably seen people wearing them many times without even realizing it. Veneers are the open secret behind the flawless smiles of many Hollywood stars and television personalities. While veneers can last for a few decades with proper care, they will eventually need to be replaced. Here are a few ways to tell that your veneers might need replacement soon and how to keep them lasting for the long run.


3 Things Every Patient Should Know & Appreciate About Veneers

October 5, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — vistadental @ 8:02 am
a patient receiving porcelain veneers

A confident smile can leave a lasting impression, and many individuals consider veneers to be one of the most versatile and effective means of achieving that picture-perfect grin. They can tackle chips, cracks, gaps, discoloration, and a wide assortment of other issues, and for many patients, they are absolute life changers. Still, other patients are a little hesitant to undergo dental work, even if it’s for the betterment of their smile. Keep reading below to learn about three things that every patient should know about veneers, so that you can make an informed decision that you’re also excited about!

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